Friday 6 March 2009

Final Evaluation

Media Studies Evaluation

For my DTP coursework, I had decided upon using a Rock/Metal genre for my magazine. To create this, I followed certain conventions and criteria which would be found in similar music magazines. For example, by incorporating certain conventions like the logo, boxes and layout front cover and adapt it so I could make it my own. I believe that this would be effective as it a similar layout to other similar music magazines would not alienate the potential audience in which the magazine is targeted. Yet, I believe I have offered a slightly different product to those which are on the market at the moment. I think this is necessary as it would give my magazine an edge over the competition. By offering something more visually appealing, the magazine could easily attract customers. I believe I have done this in various ways; By having a well set out and appealing frontpage, set out with various fonts and a fairly effective background photograph.

For my double page spread, I had hoped to create something different by creating “old paper” style page, with the pictures edited to suit the style of the page. I think this was rather effective as it helped to back up the story featured on the double page spread, and helped to create something unusual, which I believe worked fairly well.

I believe this varies from the usual conventions as it offers something visually different and appealing.

I believe that my media product helps to adher to certain sterotypes, that we commonly see in the media. The sterotype which is portrayed in my magazine would be that of the “Rockstar”/ musician. I believe that I helped to adher to the sterotype by through the use of the story on my double page spread. In the story, I had written about how the personal lifes of the musican and how that affects their music. This topic is usually quite popular within similar music magazines. I also believe that all of the images featured in the magazine also help convey the sterotype of the “rocker”, as all of the artists featured in the magazine mostly of similar hair and clothing styles associated with the sterotypes.. I have presented my magazine with this sterotype as not to alienate the audience but also so they have some idea of the artists and genre of music featured in the magazine. I believe that the clothing styles of the artists featured arent all similar to each other, each member of the band has there slightly unique style, yet still adhering to the overall sterotype. I believe this creates the idea that the bands are “up and coming” as opposed to the “made it”.

There are two publishers who might publish my magazine; Bauer consumer group & Future publishing, Kerrang! and Metal Hammer respectively, to publish my magazine.I believe that these publishing companies have the expertise and funding to launch this new magazine, as both comparies are quite successful and could would be able to launch the product as a “sister” magazine.

Either of these publishers might decide to publish “gatekeeper” as, whilst having a similar genre as their products, which sell well in there own right, my magazine offers something different by focusing on new and upcoming bands rather than established acts. This could attract my niche market as there is always a need to discover newer bands rather than recycling “old” ones, but also, my magazine would cater for fans that hate bands that have “made it” & “sold out”.

My audience for my media product would be the following;

They would be in the B – D/E socio economic group. I believe this as many of the target audience buying my product would still be in full time education and have a limited amount of money in which to buy the product.

I believe the age group for my magazine would be from 14 – 35. I think this would be the right age to cut off my group as I believe that as you get older, music tastes tend to be more “set”.

I believe that my music would be fairly appealing to both genders, yet, with more of a incline towards a male audience.

Also, my magazine helps to cater for a niche audience rather than a more widestream one. This could be effective for my magazine as this structure works well for few magazines, as such groups which are targeted are often loyal buyers. This is intial for a regular, ongoing readership, as most magazines do not cater for their interests.

Throughout my magazine, I think that by offering something visually and creatively different with my magazine, I am able to address and attract my target audience.

Firstly, the front cover. I think that the main image helps to interest and enrice a potential audience. Firstly, I think the mise-en-scene of the photograph is quite important, and that certain factors and the composition of the photo are also important. A reason in which my audience could be interested in my product would be through the artist clothing on for my main image. This style of dress is particularly associated with the genre of music and with the potential audience.This, in my opinion, would interest and enrice the potential reader into buying the magazine to read the main article. The main image is complimented with the storylines which are used on the front cover. Whilst, taking the photographs, I wanted to take visually appealing photographs which are similar to those which would be featured in similar magazines. But also, I had decided upon editing the pictures, giving then a bronze tone, to fit in with the double page style. I believe the most effective picture which I had taken is, the one of daniel lewis, at the bottom left on the double page spread. I feel that the pose and lighting work perfectly, to create a strong image.

I believe that using language which is slightly less formal than most magazines and by having quite dynamic and “snappy” headlines, the target audience would not be alienated. Also, The title of the magazine helps the audience to guess at what genres of music will be featured inside my magazine. Having a name like “gatekeeper” creates the connotation of strength, yet, I had chosen the name as a metaphor, for the underground scene being a bit harder to get into, eg find bands, and that my magazine would be the key to accessing such information.

Another point in which i believe i managed to address and attract my target audience would be through my use of a friendly, none formal style of writing. I believe that this is most effective, as my article can be used both to entertain but also to inform, yet, managing to keep the readers attention. I had decided upon adding a little humour to the writing to create this effect.

For my Contents page and double page spread, I had decided upon making the articles look quite neat and tidy, set out in a particular fashion, as not to confuse the reader. For example, for both the above pages, I had placed the imaged on the right side of the page, as when they turn over the page, they will instantly see them and then, be interested with what the magazine has to offer. This is particularly effective with the contents page, as I had numbered each of the images which the page number, in which the article would be situated. For the editors letter on the contents page, I had decided on balancing out the formalities, by having a balanced mix of formal and non formal langauge. I think this was effective as, in my opinion, it gives my magazine a little bit more credibilty as it shows that this magazine is meant to be offical. Yet, in the last sentence, I had written “so sit back, strap in, this one’s going to be a good’un” as to create a sense of exitement, which hopefully would help the reader carry on reading.

Whilst conducting research and creating my DTP product, I had used various website on the internet to help shape my product. With the Research aspect, I tended to use the google search engine, and various similar genred magazines websites to find front covers of magazines, so that I could gather some ideas of what to do. A useful site which I had found which showed market research was I believe that using the internet to obtain such facts and figures, as well as images for ideas, is generally easier to use and much quicker than researching using conventional methods. I don’t think there are any concerns about the reliability of the information, as the information was justified with various figues, which you were able to cross reference with other information. The website also was linked to the various websites which figures were shown on the website.

Whilst creating my DTP project, I learnt, firstly, how to successfully use Adobe Photoshop & indesign. Previously, I had little experience with photoshop, and none with InDesign. I had also learnt how to properly operate the apple mac operating system. At First, this was a limitation, yet I quickly got to grips with it, and easily managed to use it. These packages allowed me to do quite a lot of with DTP. For example, using Photoshop, I successfully managed to edit my photographs, or using InDesign, manage to layout out my DTP in a more professional way.

Yet, one of the problems for both of the above software is that, I believe that there was not enough time to completely get to grips with the programmes as they both have quite technical and complicated operations, that could have helped out, if they were mastered accordingly. But, saying this, I did, in my opinion, manage to successfully edit my photos with what I had learnt to do on photoshop; for example, lowering the levels on the photographs & removing red eye.

Another problem would be that I had to keep altering my photographs so that they fit onto the page, and by organising the texts to fit into columns. This may seem simple, yet making sure the pages look even and well presented is more difficult than it seems; I kept having to reorganise & resize all the time.

Also, during the time I was completing the DTP task, I got to grips with using the blog. In my opinion, I think that the blog was a quite effective method of documenting my progress throughout the weeks. It also helped me to map out my ideas as well, which I thought was quite effective in helping me to achieve a better mark.

Looking at both the preliminary tasks and my final products, I think that my final product definitely looks better in terms of editing and photography, taking two examples. I believe that I have greatly improved upon the techniques which I had used fro my preliminary. Firstly, I believe the layout and fonts of my magazine have been vastly improved, as I had a greater grasp at the technology in which I was using. I think the overall use of fonts and text boxes, for example, had shown improvements as I had managed to make the front page look a lot a bit more professional looking.
Also, I think the composition of my photos had improved as well, as they are more typical of something that would feature in a music magazine. I also think the editing of the photos helped to create this; firstly by lowering the level of contrast so the photographs had less flash on them.

In Conclusion, I feel that overall my DTP product came out quite well, in my opinion, I feel that my strengths were in the photography work and in the article which features on my double page spread. But also, I feel that the magazine has a individual style, which i am quite proud of.

Yet, there are some aspects of my DTP which i wish i could have been different. Firstly, I wish I had had more training with the editing softwares, photoshop and indesign, so that i could have polished the magazine off, making it look alot more professional, and finally, there are small errors through my magazine, spelling mistakes being one example, which i feel that, if more time was awarded, I would have been able to rectify these mistakes.