Friday 14 November 2008

market research ftw

I decided upon looking up some sales figures for magazines of a similar style to what mine will be like and it's competition from a rival music magazine of a slightly similar genre.
These tables are taken from
Below are the results of Kerrang! magazine and NME;

Kerrang!; his summary report refers to the period 01-Jan-2008 to 30-Jun-2008.
This report was approved by the ABC on 26-Sep-2008.
HeadingTotalUK & R.O.IOther
Total Average Net Circulation Per Issue:60,29056,7143,576
Newstrade and Other Single Copy Sales:54,48051,4373,043
      At Basic Cover Price:54,48051,4373,043
Single Copy Subscription Sales:5,8105,277533
Actively Purchased:60,29056,7143,576

NME; This summary report refers to the period 01-Jan-2008 to 30-Jun-2008.
This report was approved by the ABC on 14-Aug-2008.
HeadingTotalUK & R.O.IOther
Total Average Net Circulation Per Issue:56,28451,3004,984
Newstrade and Other Single Copy Sales:47,97444,8373,137
      At Basic Cover Price:47,71344,5763,137
Single Copy Subscription Sales:8,2876,4451,842
Actively Purchased:56,26151,2824,979

From these figures, Kerrang! magazine is more commerically viable than NME, but not by much .
For both of these magazines, there seems to be a "hardcore" group of readers would have subscribed to these magazines. This shows to me that there is a wide audience which my magazine could possibly appeal to.

Good times 

1 comment:

SMC Media Student said...

Michael - may well be worth telling me who ABC are who have approved these figures? Also, you need quite a bit more research on here - this does not look like much has been added since I last saw you in class. Remember you get marks for research! (Mrs D)